Dave and Joel’s Fast Karate for the Gentlemen
The reason I picked Fast karate to listen to is because it’s the only thing that came up when I put karate and video games into the ITunes search bar. The podcasts itself is about video games and general nerdery and their reaction to them. Cool stuff in general because well I’m really nerdy. My only real complaint about this podcast is that it’s really disposable media in its truest form no real information is parted on me just a few new jokes each week and some minor information about food and living in Phili. Yes I’ll keep listening to these guys for quite some time and if I had a IPod or mobile media device I’d put these guys on it.
I subscribed to these guys because they share a name with a book I really like that talks about similar things. The podcast is just about the oddities that occur in real life and science. What I hate about it is the fact that this is really really dry to listen to. I’ll listen to it on the laptop for a while but this one doesn’t fallow me on the Ipod.
Build a Better Photograph:
This one I listened to because frankly I want to learn how to take a better photograph. I was colossally disappointed when this podcast didn’t actually teach me jack about photography in the episode I listened to it talked more about how good photography use to be and why it’s going south with digital and how great all the old photographers are. This just screams “get off my lawn you dam kids” it’s just old people being old and grouchy. I did learn about how to be old and annoying though. I’m not listening to this again unless I have to write another review for it.
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